Have an Idea?

We’ve got a way to make it happen. Here’s where to find us:

Tastepoint Slovenia
Škofja Vas 39
SI-3211 Škofja Vas
Tel: +386 (0)3 42 77 100
Fax: +386 (0)3 42 77 118
Mail: [email protected]

Tastepoint Poland​
Sales Office and Warehouse ​
Tastepoint Polska Sp. z o.o.​
Warsaw, Poland​
Plowiecka street 109B​
Phone : 22-668-51-09​
e-mail address: [email protected]

Let's create something delicious together.
Let's create something delicious together.
Partnering to create products that wow the palate and ignite the imagination! We're small enough to care and big enough to make it happen.
Contact us